Respect your Fellow Community Members
This is a judgment free zone; please keep your negative opinions regarding others to yourself.
This is a judgment free zone; please keep your negative opinions regarding others to yourself.
2) Confidentiality is Key
Sharing information about other Residents
without their consent is strictly prohibited; this can include gender,
religion, age, race, real-world location, etc.
3) The Safe Space
Life Community Standard Rules apply to this area. Violating the rules and
disturbing the peace in this environment will result in warning, suspension or
banishment. Actions such as disruptive scripts, unwelcome sexual advances, or use
of derogatory language will not be tolerated.
4) Sharing is Caring, but Spam shall Scram
Residents of the Whisper Wall may support one
another by providing useful/helpful links on the forum. However, undesired
advertising content, inappropriate or offensive links/images may result in
suspension and/or banishment from the group.
*Reminder that the ‘Big Six’
behaviors apply to ALL areas of Second Life, including this forum. For more
information please refer to http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php