
Please feel free to suggest a new page category & we'll try to implement them in our website. Thanks!


  1. Can there be a section about religious issues? I want to be a certain way but my parents are strict muslim extremists and I find it difficult to live my life the way that I want to.

    1. Religion is a tough one

      Define "certain way" are your views of Islam more liberal and you as a person want to be liberal, or a certain way as in LGBT and you are afraid of the potential backlash from your family?

      Speaking as a Muslim myself, your path and relationship to Allah (God) is your own. There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world all of which have their own relationship with God, and many practice the faith differently.

      Perhaps your parents are more of the "Better safe than sorry" types and take things literal or to heart.

      I honestly believe a lot of the faith and its practices stem from sincerity and good intention. Muslims pray 5 times a day and fast for Ramadan, but if they never had sincerity in prayer or good intent during fast, then what was the point? If Muslims gave Zakaat (Charity) hoping people would notice that they gave charity, then what was the point? Give charity because in your heart it tells you that this is the right thing, not to make people believe you are a good person.

      Questions like these you need to ask yourself, and your intent/sincerity as a Muslim.

      Being strict doesn't mean you're a good Muslim.

      This is life, this is faith, this is yours to grow from and to connect to God with. I am not saying to do anything drastic but remember that nothing is absolute but God.

    2. We've now added a religion page!

  2. Can there be a topic for "emotional abuse"?

    1. We've now added that page! Thanks for the suggestion

  3. Can there be a page for happy and positive thoughts? I want to tell the world about my crush on this girl!

  4. you guys should try and set it up so that you can 'reply' to a 'reply'. ie it should tab over again. so the original poster can go back and thank/elaborate etc to a specific reply someone gave them. that way it does not turn into a giant string of trying to figure out who said what to whom.
