Sexual Abuse


  1. I have been sexually abused. I'm a guy. Why doesn't society every warn ppl about sexual harassment towards men. It's like it's out of the patriarchy or something.

    1. I'm really sorry to hear that :( Society tends to gear messages about sexual abuse towards females because most victims of sexual abuse are women, however there are guys which unfortunately face this trauma too. And usually from what I've heard, men tend to get less empathy or understanding and are told to "suck it up" or "how could that even happen?" It's really horrible. *virtual hug* Sorry people stink sometimes :(

    2. I appreciate your empathy. (-OP-)

    3. There are sexual predators EVERYWHERE! I wish this were not the case. The come in all different shapes and sizes and the victims are plenty. Keep an eye out and always adhere the old adage your mother told you: "don't take candy from strangers".

      Your Guardian Angel,


  2. Sexual abuse ain't always physical. Seriously, when I was 15 I was approached by big scary men who cracked my windshield, trying to get into my car. They were screaming "little white girl don't you wanna get fucked"? I was terrified. I ran the red light and was sweating all the way home. I was too scared to tell anyone. This is the first time I am sharing this.

    I am no 20 and I still remember. I won't forget it.

    To others - know you're not alone.

    *Virtual Hugs and Kisses*


  3. sexually abused at 13.

    1. hang in there. Remember you can talk about it here if you need to. I feel the anonymity here makes it a safe place.

  4. I have been sexually assaulted many times.. all by people who were supposed to be my friends. I am tainted. Is it my fault?

    1. Please don't feel as though it is your fault: victim blaming is very common among those have been abused in some shape or form. Just know that you have true friends and family who care about you. A person who inflicts any sort of harm, is not your real friend.

  5. I feel like such a freakin idiot from alcohol and being an alcoholic. I've let this guy finger me before tmi sorry when I was under the influence. I wouldn't touch him, I'm no where near attracted to him he was my friend. I don't know wtf I let him do that??so dumb. Then Friday night he got me all wasted, gave me Molly that I haven't done since I was 19 first time I ever tried it Friday was my second I was so drunk and that's when decision making went out the window when I did the stupid Molly. Anyways I blacked out found out from another friend that I had sex with him and I felt so shitty, gross, disgusted by it. My so called "friend" remembers it so he wasn't blacked out like I was??? I asked my other friend why didn't u stop it u should have known I wouldn't want to do it with him. He asks if I was sure and if I really meant it because he knows about him fingering me before. I feel use and gross pathetic been depressed I hate myself
