Sunday, October 27, 2013

Welcome to the Whisper Wall

Come One, Come All. Come to the Whisper Wall.

Do you ever feel like you need to talk to someone about something but you don't want to be associated with the things you're about to tell them? Well the whisper wall is here for you to do exactly that. It is an interface that allows you to express anything you want to. It is a place where you confess your desires, love interests, threatened past, daily life, questions, and much more. This space is meant for you and we hope that you use it to its full potential.

Just like a graffiti artists leaves their mark on a wall, we want you to leave your mark on our walls. Please look through the different pages of secrets and comment wherever you like.

As long as you remember to click "comment anonymously" there is no way that anyone can ever find out who you are. That being said, when replying to someone else's secrets, please be respectful. We are trying to create a positive environment where people can share their secrets WITHOUT being judged. Hurtful responses to someone's secret will be deleted.

We hope to create a community of people who feel comfortable sharing their secrets. Being anonymous gives you the confidence to say something, without anyone knowing who you are. This allows you to express exactly how you are feeling without any repercussions.  Let go of deep secrets you've been holding onto, or even little secrets that you may be too embarrassed to say out loud. We want to hear from you because we are here just for you!

Together we are going to make an arsenal of secrets where we can all feel that other people may be feeling the same way as us. This could be the perfect outlet for you, one that helps to keep you sane in a life that although it often fruitful can hurt us.


Whatever it is,
Whisper away.......

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